Choose high frequency energy

What Are You Dialed Into?

You reach over and turn on the radio in your 1984 Dodge Omni. Music starts to blast … Madonna’s Material Girl. It’s not what you’re looking to hear right now so you turn the dial and watch the red line move to the right.

Perhaps you’re not old enough to relate to any of those references … That’s my soul entertaining me from my senior year in high school. Now … On to the point.

We have a choice of what we listen to and how we tune into information. Anger, fear, pain, unworthiness, jealousy, lack, war, gossip, shame … Those are low frequencies and are found on the left side of the radio dial. The old fashioned one where the numbers go low to high from left to right.
Love, joy, radiance, peace, community, union, creativity, worth, trust, truth and abundance are high Frequencies and are found in the right side of the dial. Think 108.9 not 91.3.

Just as you can tune a radio to a specific station, you can tune yourself, your mind, your body, your soul to a particular frequency. Up and down the dial we go every day … Annoyed with a neighbor’s dog, pumped up listening to a song, cheered by the birth of a baby, disappointed by the delay of the book you ordered.

The good news is you can change the station at any time. You are not locked into all bad news and low frequencies any more than you are high frequencies, although I’ll take those all day, every day. As easily as you turn the dial you can find more love, joy, peace and abundance. 
Not resonating with what you are hearing? Change the station, turn down the volume, tune out the noise, turn off the radio. Head to nature, go inward, phone a friend. Remember there are lots of options out there and you get to choose.